Sunday 13 October 2013

Research & Questionnaires

This is the first bit of research that you need to have completed for your coursework/production and the deadline for this to be presented on your blogs is Tuesday 22nd October - you CAN have the lesson to complete final editing/prezi making/ppt stuff.  You can all thank Mac4's negotiating skills for this - they blackmailed/argued well...
It's to get a grasp of current audience demand, demographics, contemporary topics of films, that kind of thing. Below is an example questionnaire that you can tinker with, edit and then produce in order to get your own feedback.

So, what you've got to do, as an INDIVIDUAL, not as a group, is a market poll/info drop of current audience demands for feature films.

It's up to you how you distribute your questionnaire - some people have done this via plain old hard copy, interview face-to-face, email, facebook, twitter.. whatever, it doesn't matter.  Although if you record yourself asking people these questions then that would be OUTSTANDING!!

 What matters are the responses and how you then format them ONTO YOUR BLOG in order to justify certain decisions you've made as a group in your filming.

The examiner will need to see these research results on your blog so make sure it's clearly presented and eventually labelled.

Equipment Log

Please check the chart below and tell me if there're any mistakes.

Also, please let me know what no. plate you all have (the square bit that you use to attach your camera
to your tripod) - if it doesn't have a no., bring it in on Tue and we'll label it up then.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Group Vlog - initial film idea pitches

Here're your initial ideas taken from yesterday's lesson - I know already that some of them have changed/will change etc - all we have to do is update the vlogs regularly either by me so all of you are in the shot, or yourselves in individual vlogs or using the iMacs in 08.

Also, this is for Mac2 - the opening sequence from The Blair Witch Project:

And for Mac5 - the trailer for Fever Pitch - am sure you've got a great idea there, similar to this but 'girlyfied'...

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Urban Legend Comes True!

Vid from today's lesson:

It's really for Mac 2 but you can see how simple your idea can be.

Don't watch it again, Emily...